Inaugural Research Strategy Launched
Inaugural Research Strategy Launched
In May 2022, CCI launched its inaugural research strategy. The document emphasizes that research and evaluation are fundamental components of the model of care at CCI, and that as a centre of excellence in clinical psychology we strive to improve the lives of people with mental health challenges through world-class applied research.
The strategy notes that our mission is to support partnerships between researchers, clinicians, and people with lived experience to ensure consumers receive high quality care with outcomes that set new international benchmarks through continual evaluation, quality improvement, and innovative translational research.
The document describes CCI’s research values and guiding principles, such as that we are consumer-focused; that research and practice must be tightly integrated in order to optimise consumer outcomes; and that we while our primary focus is on improving the lives of our clients in Western Australia through our treatment programs, we aim for our research to have a global impact.
The strategy also outlines the centre’s research goals and priorities for the next few years.
To download the CCI research strategy, please click here.

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