Looking After Others
In this section there are a range of information sheets about psychological disorders and problems such as depression, panic, social anxiety, health anxiety, low self-esteem, procrastination, disordered eating, interpersonal problems, and sleep difficulties like insomnia.
There are also details about information sessions that we provide at our clinical psychology service in Perth, Western Australia specifically designed for people looking after someone with a mental health problem.
CCI Information Sheets for Mental Health Problems
CCI Information Sheets for Mental Health Problems
CCI Eating Disorders and Bipolar Information Sessions - Perth
Eating Disorders Support and Skill Building Group for Family and Friends
These two-session groups are held at regular intervals – please contact CCI to register your interest and to find out the dates for the next group
Bipolar Disorder: Support Meeting for Family and Friends
The CCI Bipolar Disorder Program will be holding a series of 2-part sessions for family members / carers / friends / loved ones of people with bipolar disorder. Please contact CCI to register your interest and to find out the dates for the next group
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