International Day of Friendship 2023
International Day of Friendship
The 30th of July is International Day of Friendship and was proclaimed by the United Nations in 2011 to recognise the importance of friendship in creating peace and harmony throughout the world. Research has demonstrated that social connection is important for good mental health, and in honour of friendship day we encourage you to connect with your loved ones, friends, or community. You could reach out by sending a text, making a call, or planning to catch up for a walk or a cuppa. Unfortunately, mental health problems can often interrupt social connection; when we feel low or depressed we might tend to withdraw, or perhaps anxiety presents a barrier to going out and seeing people. If you can relate to these challenges you may find it helpful to take a look at our freely available resources on our website. If you are looking to form more social connections in order to grow your support network you may was to visit the Act Belong Commit website for ideas on how to connect with others in your community. The team at CCI wish you a very happy International Day of Friendship.

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